“My C.I.” Cultivating and Effectively Handling today’s Top Confidential Informants- WI


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


Brown County Sheriff's Office Training Section
2684 Development Drive, Green Bay, WI, 54311

Event Type


The focus of this dynamic one day seminar is to simply clarify each and every aspect of working hand and hand with an “informant” in a criminal investigation.

This seminar has been developed for patrol officers, detectives, gang investigators, agents and command staff. Your expert instructors will share their experiences and address issues to help you develop your own strategies in spotting, cultivating and safely getting informants to work for you.

Behind every great informant is a greater handler who always understands their capabilities, an informant’s limits, and the legal aspects during day to day operations. Despite the ambitions or motivators of potential informants, you will develop the expertise that’s needed today to protect the informant, your agency and yourself.

Blocks of instruction will include:

Spotting today’s possible candidates and dangers Evaluating the informant and their potential in each investigation
The significance of protecting your agency and establishing voluntariness Understanding the informant’s motivators and lifestyle
Mastering rapport and effective communication Establishing and maintaining ethical and professional relationships
Today’s legal aspects and courtroom preparation

This seminar is for law enforcement only, unless prior approval is granted by Street-Strategies Inc. or Public Grants and Training Initiatives. Attendees will receive a detailed class binder to keep. However, due to course content, the instructors’ current assignment, and video case examples there is no video recording allowed.



Posted on January 9, 2017. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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