Excited Delirium: Awareness, protocol development, investigation, and hands-on practical demonstration


Instructed by Lt. Michael Paulus, Michael Paulus Training, LLC

Course Description:

It’s four o’clock in the morning. The call comes in of a man, no shirt, sweating profusely, and

screaming unintelligibly. Five officers respond and after a few minutes of struggling to get

control of the man, the cuffs are on, but the man is dead.

This scenario has been repeated over and over in this country and around the world.

This full day course will give the attendee an awareness of what Excited Delirium is, what it

looks like, as well as common behavioral cues. There is a section on a possible response protocol

involving various stakeholders that will give the police department and the community a more

appropriate response to “a medical emergency that presents itself as a law enforcement


There is an overview of investigative guidelines for the investigation of a Sudden Unexpected In-

Custody Death that appears to be an Excited Delirium incident. Lastly, there is a hands-on

practical section which seeks to show attendees a more effective way of bringing a person in the

throes of Excited Delirium under control. The goal is to reduce the length and intensity of the

struggle for the officers and the agitated subject.


Awareness of Excited Delirium, Characteristics of Sudden Unexpected In-Custody Death,

Behavioral Cues, Response Protocol.


Building a multi-disciplinary response to a multi-factorial problem, identifying the stakeholders,

Decisions of each stakeholder, example of Champaign PD’s response protocol with EMS.


Hands-on practical application of the Multiple Officer Control Tactic, how to work “smarter- not

harder” when controlling a person with superhuman strength, no sense of pain, and seemingly

unlimited endurance.


Investigation of suspected Excited Delirium Sudden Unexpected In-Custody Deaths, why the

investigation will start out as a Use of Force incident, identifying the necessary medical

indications of a possible Excited Delirium death.

Posted on August 18, 2011, in Courses, Michael Paulus. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Excited Delirium: Awareness, protocol development, investigation, and hands-on practical demonstration.

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